Demanding certifications to ensure quality and safety of our solutions
At SODIAAL FROMAGES SOLUTIONS, more than ever cheese goes hand in hand with sustainable development.
Immersed in SODIAAL’s CSR for responsible cheeses approach, our solutions and our people promote our responsible values well beyond the consumer’s plate.
Our CSR approach is built around six sustainable social commitments:
Learn more, visit the Sodiaal Group’s sustainable development website.
The Route Du Lait®
Sodiaal Fromages Solutions is committed to providing you with high quality products.
And that’s why we have engaged in a new quality approach designed by the Group in 1997 and certified NFV01007, giving us complete control of the upstream aspects: Sodiaal’s Route Du Lait®. Sodiaal supports its 13,000 producers, its 70 industrial sites, and its 9,100 employees, to guarantee you receive milk whose quality is irreproachable.
As part of a clean label approach, we are also working on the naturalness of products and the reduction of additives.
As a responsible actor in the food chain, all our industrial sites, our operating procedures and our solutions come under a formalized and monitored quality management and product safety system.
To ensure your inputs are safe, we guarantee that all applicable regulations, HACCP principles for controlling health risks, full traceability, the requirements in your specifications and your expectations in terms of use will be respected and followed.
A continuous improvement process is also in place to respond to any challenges that present themselves.
Among the wide range of cheeses we offer, we can also offer you labelled cheeses (PDO, PGI, Label Rouge) that, in addition to the elements already mentioned, meet very strict official product specifications that extend from husbandry to the finished product placed on the market.
In order to ensure the efficiency of our system and fulfil our commitments, we have undertaken several strict certifications in recent years in our plants, including the IFS (International Food Standard) for product safety and quality. Our procedures and our plants are also committed to comply with recognized food safety standards such as the FSCC 22000, ISO 9001 in management, and more recently our CSR “Corporate Social Responsibility” approach with certifications such as the SMETA4PILLARS and SWA “Supplier Workplace Accountability”.