Responsible snacking

Changing lifestyles have strongly impacted how meals are structured: they are now in faster and more convenient formats. The increasing popularity of snacking is confirmed by GIRA conseil which recorded that French people have increased the number of times they eat to 5.5 on average per day!
70 % of consumers are ready to change their food for more responsible products, such as those that are organic, labelled, local, and give producers a proper rate of return. This phenomenon is also found in the world of snacking and is at the origin of a new form of consumption: responsible snacking.
Snacking consumers are also looking to eat better and want responsible products. Consumers want a new experience which may be in the use or the taste. As such, the industry must not just offer recipes, it needs to offer new packaging and consumption modes that meet this demand.
Our solutions
The SODIAAL cooperative, alongside its farmers, is committed to offering cheese and dairy solutions tailored to your needs. Our wide range of traditional, fondue, and PDO cheeses will allow you to meet this demand for transparency on the origin and quality of the products you offer to your consumers.
Our products are in line with their desire to eat better and adapt to current food trends, such as flexitarianism, as cheese is a meat alternative.
We offer various cuts, adapted to your needs, which are featured on the Our solutions and Your uses pages of the website. We can also assist you and offer cheese solutions specifically tailored to your needs.